About Organic Training

The University of Arkansas System, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Clemson University, North Carolina State University, Auburn University, Alabama A&M, Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network, have teamed up to train and educate Cooperative Extension System personnel and other agricultural professionals in their corresponding states on the philosophy, certification, production methods and economics of organic agriculture systems.

State and region-wide trainings were conducted for this SARE-funded project to improve and enhance participants’ knowledge, confidence and technical skills of organic agriculture.  These trainings gave participants the skills and resources to conduct future organic workshops and enable them to assist new and transitioning organic farmers.

We look for this site to be an online organic training resource for you. Teaching modules and supplemental resources developed and adapted for this project are available to educators throughout the SSARE regions to use in planning and conducting organic trainings and addressing common organic production issues.


Elena Garcia, University of Arkansas CES
Heather Friedrich, University of Arkansas
Obadiah Njue, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Jeanine Davis, North Carolina State University
Geoff Zehnder, Clemson University
Charles Mitchell, Auburn University
Rufina Ward, Alabama A&M University
Ken Ward, Alabama A&M University
Karen Wynne, Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network

Organic Workshop